Behind the moniker Phileas is the Berlin-based singer-songwriter and loop artist Mathias who was born in France, grew up in Germany and has worked as a musician in England and the USA.
In 2017 he settled in Berlin, where he has since worked as a live, studio and street musician and started his new project.
His personal experiences have increasingly led him to address socially relevant issues such as migration policy, democratic understanding, religious extremism and collective action against social injustice.
With his new band, his vocal virtuosity is complemented by creative arrangements, the studio album is flawlessly and convincingly transposed into an unforgettable live experience and the audience is treated a variety of musical genres.
As a solo act, Mathias has recently opened up several concerts for the very succesful french band Feu! Chatterton.
His solo debut album “Present” was released in October 2022 to critical acclaim, being described by Rolling Stone Magazine as a „Songwriting debut that is already close to flawless.“
The record was nominated for the “Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik” in the Category „Folk and Singer-Songwriter
It was selected as album of the week on SWR2 and BRF1 and received extensive airplay on major national radio stations in Germany (SWR2, MDR Kultur, Deutschlandfunk Kultur) and France (France Inter, FIP Radio, Oui FM).
The album was featured/reviewed in several high-profile national german Magazines (Rolling Stone Magazin, Schall Magazin, Eclipsed Magazin, Kulturnews, Guitar Acoustic, Der Folker) as well as high-reaching online Print in Germany (15 Questions), France (Le Cargo, Les oreilles curieuses) and Brazil (Teco Apple).
Phileas has featured in interviews and performed live on Radio at SWR2, MDR Kultur, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Fritz Radio and Flux FM.